More than 20 years on the market
We take our business seriously, and every project is done with quality in mind. Our presence on the market has lasted for more than 20 years now.

European manufacturing standards
We have certificates such as TÜV NORD ISO 9001 and we are an approved manufacturer according to the Croatian Register of Shipping (HRB).

Modern tools and production area
We own a production area of 10,000 square meters which, combined with modern tools and techniques, ensures efficiency.

Professional solutions in mariculture
Our company is present on numerous European markets, and especially in the Croatian market where our products cover almost the entire Adriatic coast. Professionalism and quality workmanship, both in manufacturing and in assembly, are considered to be a key factor for a successful business that has lasted for 20 years.
We have clients coming from Croatia as well as countries such as Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Scotland, Norway, Tunisia and Algeria.

Proizvodi najvišlje kvalitete koji će zadovoljiti potrebe svakog uzgajališta. Pogledajte našu ponudu kaveza, pontona, bazena i ostale opreme za marikulturu.
PE-HD proizvodi
Proizvodi od PEHD plastike zadovoljavaju sve standarde. HDPE (PE-HD) – polietilen visoke gustoće- dobra plastika, ima najmanju vjerojatnost ispuštanja kemikalija u vodu ili piće.
Zavarivanje i montaža
Raspolažemo sa najsuvremenijim alatima i strojevima za zavarivanje polietilena te obučenim i atestiranim variocima. Kod nas također možete iznajmiti raznu opremu.
Ask for a free quote
Useful links
Montažer – Smola d.o.o.
HQ: Novogradiška 23, 44320 Kutina, Croatia
Company registered at the Commercial court in Sisak, Tt-08/574-3
Share capital: 205.000,00 kn, paid in full
MBS: 080376108
Bank: Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.,
IBAN: HR8723400091100224461
Mob: +385 98 844 997
Tel: +385 44 684 828
Fax: +385 44 680 901
Address: Novogradiška 23, 44320 Kutina, Croatia